Gabriela Soto

Gabi Soto has been a leader of the National Organic Farmers Association (ANAO) in Costa Rica for over ten years, promoting trainings in organic farming at all levels and developing national regulations on organic certification.
She dedicated her life to support and live from Organic Agriculture from many different perspectives: certification, research, training, farming, marketing and policy making. She became an organic inspector in 1993 and learned from organic farmers all over Latin America. She later became inspector trainer for the Independent Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) and transmitted and trained many inspectors in the region.With a team of colleagues, she also developed Costa Rica's National Certification Agency (EcoLOGICA), of which she has been the president for over 12 years. She has been a member of the World Board of Directors of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) since 2011.
Gabi Soto is coordinator of the Agroecology Master Program of the National University of Costa Rica.
More information
- IFOAM World Board of Directors
- Personal statement on organic farming
- List of publication of Gabi Soto on Organic Eprints archieve