February 15, 2013: Science Day and Launch of TIPI
Science Day was held on February 15, 2013 at the Nürnberg Messe, with speakers, workshops and the official launch of TIPI - the Technology and Innovation Platform of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements).
Science Day was organized by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR).
At the event IFOAM and FiBL and other participating organizations officially launched TIPI - the Technology Innovation Platform of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).
TIPI will
- foster international collaboration in organic agriculture research;
- engage and involve all stakeholders that benefit from organic agriculture research;
- facilitate exchange of scientific knowledge of organic food and farming systems; and
- help practitioners disseminate, apply and implement innovations and scientific knowledge consistent with the principles of organic agriculture.
More information
Brian Baker, FiBL, Switzerland