Science Day 2016 at BIOFACH
On February 12, 2016, the fourth Science Day took place at BIOFACH, the World Organic Trade Fair, in Nuremberg, Germany. It was a joint event of TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM and TP Organics, the European Technology Platform for Organic Food and Farming.
In the morning of Science Day 2016, TP Organics focussed on research innovation for organic food companies. Organic companies presented examples of recent innovations, and a panel debate was held to discuss how the European Commission can better support research & innovation for organic food companies.
In the afternoon, TIPI presented and discussed current challenges to organic agriculture in tropical zones and research policies in developing countries. It also presented its Vision and Strategy for Organic Food and Farming Research.
The presentations from the meeting can be downloaded below.
Report from Science Day 2016
9.00 to 9.30 am: Registration, networking, coffee
9.30 to 10 am: Opening
- Introduction
Prof. Dr. Urs Niggli, TIPI president, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland - Opening Speech
Andre Leu, President IFOAM - Organics International, Bonn
10.00 to 12.00 am: Research and innovation for organic food companies, organised by TP Organics

Because research and innovation are key to developing a sustainable food and nutrition system, the European Commission will build a Food Research Area over the next years. The Food Research Area will tackle the challenge of food and nutrition security and contribute to a “resilient food system that provides sustainable, affordable and healthy food for all”. Producing sustainable and healthy food is the day-to-day business of the organic food industry. The organic sector can play an important role in the design and implementation of the Food Research Area.
The EU is a pioneer in organic agriculture and production. Organic retail sales in the EU grew with 6% per year between 2004 and 2013 and reached 22.2 billion euro in 2013. The organic food sector is a competitive sector delivering jobs and prosperity. Organic food companies are laboratories of creativity and innovation. They are committed to continuously improve the quality and health benefits of their products, while reducing their environmental impact.
The aim of this event is to:
- Explore how the organic food industry can contribute to the European Food Research Area
- Showcase examples of innovation by organic food companies
- Discuss how research & innovation for organic food companies can be funded through Horizon 2020
10.00 – 10.05: Introduction
- Introduction
Eduardo Cuoco, Head of Secretariat, TP Organics
10.05-10.15: Key note speech
- Financing innovation in the organic sector with the SME instrument: the case of organic spirulina
Raffaele Zanoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche
10.15-10.25: The contribution of organic food systems to sustainable and healthy diets
- The contribution of organic food systems to sustainable and healthy diets
Johannes Kahl, University of Copenhagen
10.25-11.05 am: Research and innovation for organic food companies
- Introduction: Bram Moeskops, Senior Scientific Coordinator, TP Organics
- Luc Gauduchon, Food R&D Manager, Léa Nature
- Lorenzo Tonini, R&D manager, Priobios
- Johannes Doms, Managing Technical Director (CTO), Hipp GmbH & Co. Produktion KG
11.05-11.15: Funding opportunities for organic food companies in Horizon 2020
- Funding opportunities for organic food companies in Horizon 2020
Hans-Jörg Lutzeyer, Unit Agri-Food Chain, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
11.15-12.00: Panel discussion: How to fund innovation for organic food companies?
- Moderator: Eduardo Cuoco, Head of Secretariat, TP Organics
- Luc Gauduchon, Food R&D Manager, Léa Nature
- Lorenzo Tonini, R&D manager, Priobios
- Johannes Doms, Managing Technical Director (CTO), Hipp GmbH & Co. Produktion KG
- Alex Beck, Director AöL (tbc)
- Hans-Jörg Lutzeyer, Unit Agri-Food Chain, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
12.00 to 1.30 pm: Lunch
1.30 to 5 pm: Challenges for organic farming research in the tropics and research policies, organized by TIPI

1.30 to 2.00 pm: TIPI Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research
- Presentation of the final draft of the TIPI Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research
Prof. Dr. Urs Niggli, TIPI president, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland
2 to 3 pm: Session: Challenges for organic agriculture research in tropical zones
- Soil fertility and waste management in the tropics
Dr. Noah Adamtey, International Cooperation, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland - Organic livestock husbandry in the tropics - a neglected opportunity?
Prof. Dr. Eva Schlecht, Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Kassel and Georg-August Universität Göttingen - Challenges in the tropical zones of Africa
Dr. Julia Wright, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), Coventry University - Challenges in arid zones
- Dr. Reza Mohammadreza, Plant Pests & Diseases Research Institute, Tehran, iran
3.00 to 3.30 pm: Coffee break
3.30 to 4.45 pm: Workshop: Roadmap towards more organic farming research in international cooperation
Moderator: Dr. Brian Baker, US
4.45 to 5.00 pm: Outlook and further steps
Prof. Dr. Urs Niggli, TIPI president, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland
Registration and further information
If you wish to attend please register via the FiBL registration service.
Dr. Helga Willer, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
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