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Urs Niggli elected as president of TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM

At the first council meeting of TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Urs Niggli, director of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) was elected as president by the TIPI council.

Vice presidents are Uygun Aksoy from Izmir University in Turkey and Brian Baker; an independent consultant from the United States.

Both Brian Baker and Gerold Rahmann (Thünen Institute, Germany, and treasurer of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) were appointed as additional members of the TIPI council, which now has ten members.

Several decisions regarding the work programme were taken at the meeting. Major upcoming activities will include the elaboration of a vision for global food and farming research, and the organisation of a special event at the next IFOAM Organic World Congress in Istanbul 2014. At the Congress, practitioners and scientists will have the opportunity to enter into a dialogue on selected themes.

Other plans include the expansion of the website to include more information on organic farming research from around the world, and the publication of a newsletter.

The Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (TIPI) was established earlier this year with the aim of addressing the innovation and technology transfer needs in organic agriculture. The secretariat is currently hosted by FiBL.


More information


Helga Willer, FiBL, Switzerland, helga.willer(at)


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