A first draft will be presented at Science Day at BioFach 2014, when the discussion on the vision will be started. At the IFOAM Organic World Congress in Istanbul, the draft of the vision will be discussed and shaped during the TIPI Science Day with input from as many stakeholders as possible.
In detail TIPI will
- Engage organic stakeholders, primarily IFOAM members from different sectors and regions, in a process that will develop a shared vision for research, development, technology, and innovation.
- Draft a strategic plan to present research priorities identified by organic stakeholders as both global and regional challenges.
- Establish an action plan to set and implement a global and regional research agenda.
More information
- Contact: Urs Niggli, TIPI president
- tipi.ifoam.org: Global vision for organic farming research - Concept note
- Organic-Research.net: Technology Platform Organics - TP Organics (with links to relevant TP Organics documents)